Boulder Awe

Born of the fervent wilds of Dartmoor, where the collection was coaxed and chanted into life, Boulder Awe reaches meaty tendrils out into the muck and magic of our human experience. Featuring the poem I am the land from the short film of the same name, as well as the phantasmagoric illustrations of Elin Manon.

“Tobias enjoys a profound intimacy with his immediate environment, but beyond the purely physical lies the spiritual, the psychological, the mythological, and this too is explored with insight and emotion. He becomes the poet as seer, sensitive to that which lies beneath and above the visible and tangible . . . But it’s the density and intensity of the language, by turns playful and urgent, lightweight and freighted with darker meaning, that engages the reader most . . . the poems crackle with inventive inversions and dizzying displays of verbal acrobatics!”

Elisabeth Rowe, author of Timewise

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of everything. Recording


Bansheewind Recording